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Tungsten Electrode

It is a tungsten electrode made of materials with high melting point, corrosion resistance, high density and good thermal and electrical conductivity.
2%Tungsten lanthanum electrode (sky blue)
Pure Tungsten (Green):
2% Tungsten cerium electrode (Grey)
1.5% Lanthanated (Gold):
1.5% Tungsten lanthanum electrode (Gold)
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Tungsten Electrode
It is a tungsten electrode made of materials with high melting point, corrosion resistance, high density and good thermal and electrical conductivity. Tungsten electrodes are widely used for welding in their properties. Tungsten electrode grinding or polishing and black rod. The final colors are different, which can distinguish the differences. In tungsten electrodes, more importantly, their final color is different, and their tungsten content is also different. When welding, select the correct tungsten electrode to make welding easier. It is important to obtain high-quality welding. Some important factors to consider in making the right choice are the type of power supply (inverter or transformer), welding material (steel, aluminum or stainless steel) and material thickness.
Product Parameter
It is a tungsten electrode made of materials with high melting point, corrosion resistance, high density and good thermal and electrical conductivity. Tungsten electrodes are widely used for welding in their properties.
Type AC/DC Recommended Usage
2% Thoriated (Red) DC Copper alloys, nickel alloys, titanium alloys, and stainless steels
2% Lanthanated  (Blue) AC& DC 2%Tungsten lanthanum electrode (sky blue)
Pure Tungsten  (Green) AC Magnesium alloys and aluminum alloys
2% Ceriated (Grey) AC& DC 2% Tungsten cerium electrode (Grey)
1.5% Lanthanated (Gold) AC& DC 1.5% Tungsten lanthanum electrode (Gold)
Rare Earth Blend(Purple) AC& DC Aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys, low-alloyed
steels, and stainless steel
0.8% Zirconiated (White) AC Handles higher amp levels for magnesium
Wide Range Of Applications For Tungsten Electrode

application:2% Thoriated (Red) :WT20 thoriated tungsten electrode is usually used for DC welding of carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel alloy and titanium metal.

WL15 and WL20 lanthanum tungsten electrodes are very good for DC welding and AC welding, and have excellent performance.

WC20 tungsten-cerium electrode can easily start an arc with only a small current, and the arc-maintaining current is also small. Under low current DC conditions, cerium tungsten electrodes are very popular, especially for joining pipes and small parts, intermittent welding and specific number of welds.

WZ8 zirconium tungsten electrode is suitable for AC welding of magnesium, aluminum and its alloys.

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