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Molybdenum Crucible & Boat

Sintered molybdenum crucible, spinning molybdenum crucible, turning molybdenum crucible, etc.
Melting Point:
Boiling Point:
Specific Heat:
0.276 kJ/kg x K at 20°C
Latent Heat of Fusion:
270 kJ/kg (estimated)
Thermal Conductivity:
142 W/m x K at 20°C
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Product Parameter

Provide all kinds of Molybdenum crucibles according to customer's drawings and machine to reach high precision.
Diameter(mm) Wall Thickness(mm) Length(mm)
30~50 0.3~10 <2000
50~100 0.5~15
100~150 1~15
150~300 1~20
300~400 1.5~30
400~500 2~30
Main Characteristics
High melting point (2610°C)
Low thermal expansion
High thermal conductivity
Low vapour pressure
Excellent corrosion resistance against molten metals and glass
Mass Characteristics
Symbol Mo
Atomic Number 42
Atomic Weight 95.94
Density 10.2 g/cc at 20°C
Compressibility 36 micron 2/N at 293°C
Thermal Properties
Melting Point 2610°C
Boiling Point 5560°C
Specific Heat 0.276 kJ/kg x K at 20°C
Latent Heat of Fusion 270 kJ/kg (estimated)
Thermal Conductivity 142 W/m x K at 20°C
Heat of Combustion 7.58 MJ/kg Mo
Electrical Properties
Electrical Conductivity 34% IACS at 0°C
Electrical Resistivity 53.4 nΩ·m at 20°C
Thermal Electromotive Force 1.45 mV versus platinum, 0 to 100°C
Electrochemical Equivalent Valence 6, 0.1658 mg/C
Optical Properties
Reflectivity 46% at 500 nm, 93% at 10,000 nm
Color Silvery white

Mechanical Properties:
Molybdenum distinguishes itself with those unique properties: high melting point, high creep resistance and low thermal expansion. The properties of the pure molybdenum could also be improved by alloying. According to the application environments and the operating temperatures, YouBo offer the best molybdenum alloy for our customers.
Chemical Properties:
Molybdenum has extremely good resistance to corrosion by numerous acids, liquid metals and molten glass, provided oxidizing agents are not present. Molybdenum is relatively inert in hydrogen, ammonia, and nitrogen up to about 1100°C.
Wide Range Of Applications For Molybdenum Crucible Molybdenum Boat
Molybdenum is widely used to produce crucibles and other parts for Sapphire crystal growth and rare-earth melting with its high temperature resistance, low pollution and other good characteristics.
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